Tuesday, May 11, 2010

All Grown Up

Unless you've had a child, you will wonder what I mean. One day they're tiny tots, all smiles and snot, and the next beautiful young adults. How did that happen? I know how, but why? So fast, they've gone from wanting a hug after a bump or bruise to rolling their eyes, 'I KNOW mom.'

Keeping them healthy is so important. You want them to be the fittest, healthiest, most energetic and happy person they can possibly be, but you have to trust you've done the job right. And there's the rub. Did I teach him everything he needs to know? If I didn't by now, he'll have to learn it on his own. He's been given a good start, with fresh, organic food sometimes straight from the garden. And what was that all about, no more veggie burgers, only meat? What is it about teenage boys that they all of the sudden must have red meat? I'm sure there must be an alien hiding in there somewhere. And the sugar! My goodness, who knows where they got that one. Eating with two hands, grabbing food from multiple locations like an octopus. And the thoughtful, slow-chewing babe in the highchair that wouldn't swallow, chewing everything one hundred times, taking half an hour to eat half an avocado, to a tornado that cleans the plate before the salad is dressed.

The original recycler, I recently watched a video where he was eating a small piece of bread. It fell out of his mouth and he popped it back in, not once or twice, but three or four times. He'd chase it all over his bib, and finally catch it, carefully placing it back in his mouth, ever the squirrel...

You may have guessed, he's off to college, and I'm becoming sentimental! May this next generation fix the problems we've invented. Good luck to them all.

1 comment:

  1. It seems the older we get, the more we live in the past. And I'm saying that's a bad thing! The past can be a wonderland of really good memories. For me though, I must be very careful of the past. I must remember that no matter how old I become, I still have a future. A good one too, not just a rest home someplace, ha, ha!
